
What the heck is the United Way?

Thinking about money so much is making me nervous. Learning something new as an adult is inherently a humbling activity. I am realizing how little I know!

For example, the United Way. Until I googled their history and mission, I didn't know what it was, exactly. It's a household word, but like my computer, I didn't really know how it worked.

I'm the kind of person that writes (small) checks to a few non-profits. I can't imagine giving to the United Way; it seems diffuse and less satisfying somehow. But I'm understanding that it's a really convenient way for companies to direct money toward the good. And since it has been around for more than 125 years, the household name thing inspires trust.

Locally, I am familiar with the Madison Community Foundation, which defines itself to potential corporate donors as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to a private foundation, also offering the advantage of anonymity.

I've never had any reason to give anonymously but presume that it's done by people who don't want to be known as deep pockets, easy targets for needy causes, or braggarts. On the other hand, public companies may want to stay under the radar of their shareholders, who don't want "their" profits given away willy-nilly, or of the media looking to point out that corporate donations are self-serving and paltry.

Community foundations, and the United Way, seem like a great thing. I think they are. As I naively wade into the unfamiliar waters of charitable giving, I keep thinking: There should be a way to get more money from the business community to support local needs. Is the community foundation the answer? Or is there still a gap, a need for more ways to connect local needs with local businesses to everyone's benefit?

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