
I'm working on figuring out what I'm working on

That's how Maira Kalman answered a question from the audience about her upcoming work. It's so true: some days I make lists, but mostly I move through my days finding inspiration. Last night's talk, presented by the Center for the Humanities at UW-Madison, delivered.

2012/10 Maira Kalman from CreativeMornings on Vimeo.

She is inspiring and funny. What I liked best about her is that she knows what she is good at and is unapologetic about all the rest. She is great at collaboration.  Which means that she does cool things like illustrate the Talking Heads song that runs through my own head the most often. And she knows what she likes (ironing) and is pushy about getting to do what she likes in different places, with interesting people, to unusual ends.

What I like doing is making connections. Between ideas, between people, between places. So I am taking on projects right now that are interesting, that makes sparks fly, that feel easy because they require me to do what I am good at. So I get something back: I feel useful and will see results. In my neighborhood. In otherwords, in my world.

That's the hope. Spring is the time to feel hopeful! The final slide in Kalman's talk is of a work of art by an artist whose name I can't remember. It says "NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY BUT SOME THINGS WILL."


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