
How I transformed this space, just a little bit

I have reworked this digital space a bit recently. I wanted to make it more beautiful, but am limited by the restrictions of the blogger geography and my own capabilities. So, I just added some pages to help organize my ideas.

It is not unlike the art I've been doing this winter: simple embellishments to the familiar landscape.

Years ago, when my husband and I were still dating, we stopped for a hike at a little patch of woods off the highway on the outskirts of Madison. My memory of that hike feels like a dream. We left the main trail to follow a little 'deer path' that led us into a world of sculpted vines and created space. The stones and logs were placed to create small coves beneath dense canopies. It was both totally natural and utterly magical.

We never figured out if the space was created by artists or by area children.

I was reminded of that artful installation within the woods today when I looked at some pictures a friend shared with me.

I added a section that I hope answers the questions I often ask myself, like Why do I enjoy creating this digital space for myself so much? And what is it for?

I've also made it easier to subscribe (see the right sidebar) and added some local sponsors. Thanks for looking around here, and outside, and exploring with me. Keep sending me links, too, I love that!

This installation of frozen color was short-lived. 
I was the only lucky soul out there for a few minutes on Monday, in the bright sunshine, just after a big snow. I saw a bald eagle flying low over the open water of the Yahara River. I've not seen one here before.

Another few inches of snow came down on Tuesday. Now the orbs of frozen color are covered in an icy blanket. But I suspect a few people will wander out onto Lake Mendota, near the Tenney locks, and wonder about those dots of color, peeking through like a little sprinkle of something magical.

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