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Madison Playground Review

Madison has more parks per person than any other U.S. city. I believe that fact is worth celebrating. These green, public spaces contribute to the quality of life we enjoy. The city’s park history and legacy is something to be proud of.
When a playground near my house was being redesigned, I got involved in helping to select the new equipment. In the process, I searched the internet for interesting and innovative examples. With other neighborhood friends, I considered the strengths and limitations of playgrounds as we know them. I started coveting certain play structures and types of public spaces. I now feel disappointed that so many playgrounds are so dull, common, and cookie-cutter.

So, with my kids' help, I started Madison Playground Review

Like all kids, mine like playgrounds. When we travel to other cities, I find myself seeking out interesting places to play. Not just for them, but for me, too. We all want to discover interesting new things! We’ve become playground tourists.
Along the way, I’ve also been observing how kids use the playgrounds and doing some further thinking and reading on the subject.
Madison Playground Review is where I share what I’m thinking about as we explore various playgrounds around the city (and sometimes beyond). Maybe you’ll find it useful, or even inspiring. I hope you’ll share your own thoughts and adventures. My hope is that together we’ll find ways to push for public spaces that are truly playful, fun, and creative. 
Let's make life and play in Madison (and beyond) more marvelous. Thanks for checking out and subscribing to Madison Playground Review!

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