Saturday, June 27
Party in the Park
1-5 PM in Reynolds Park
For the hours leading up to Madison's Shake the Lake firework show, our local park will be a carnival of casual, neighborly fun:

1:30 The Tiny Band (originals and covers)
2PM Tour of Water Well #24 (where all our water is stored!)
2:30 Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association public meeting.
2:30 Yoga demos on the rooftop
3PM Doggie fashion show organized by the Dog Haus University.
3PM The Special Treats (Fun music for kids and everyone)
4PM Unicycle performance by the neighborhood unicycle crew.
4PM Drum Circle with Elmore Lawson. Bring a drum to join in.
So plan to get yourself and your friends and family to the park on Saturday, June 27th. And then mark your calendars for every Friday in July because we will continue the fun with casual picnic gatherings in Reynolds Park, every Friday evening in July!
These events are being organized by the Friends of Reynolds Park, the Capital East Business Association, and the Tenney Lapham Neighborhood Association. We received funding to support these place-making events, as well as grass-roots beautification of the Johnson Street business district, from the City of Madison Neighborhood Grants Program.
The Friends of Reynolds Park have a Facebook page. We'll be posting updates and news there, as well as here. So please consider subscribing and friend-ing us so you don't miss a thing.
Great Job, Jessica! This sounds awesome and the Friends' group deserves a round of applause!